Pennington Distilling

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Whisper Creek easy caramel apples

Reminisce on fall festivals as a child as you dive into this adult-only Whisper Creek Caramel Apple! These sticky yet sweet treats will satisfy your cravings and leave you wanting more. The best part? They couldn’t be easier to make!


1-11oz Package Caramel Squares, Unwrapped
2 Tbsp Whisper Creek Tennessee Sipping Cream
About 6 Medium-Sized Apples
Popsicle Sticks


Remove stems from apples and insert popsicle sticks into the center of the top of the apple. 

Add caramels and Whisper Creek in a microwave-safe bowl—microwave on high for 2 minutes. Remove bowl from microwave and stir caramel until smooth. Working quickly, gently roll apples in caramel until evenly coated and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet.

Once all apples are dipped, place the baking sheet into the refrigerator to set.

**For added embellishment, roll freshly dipped apples in chopped pecans or drizzle with melted chocolate before they go into the fridge.