Whisper Creek Apple Crisp


Who doesn't love a warm apple crisp? This easy recipe pulls together the complex flavors of Whisper Creek to enhance the apple and pecan flavors of the dessert.

Baked individually as we have done or in one large dish, it is a quick and easy option that is sure to please! 

If you really want to be decadent, top it with one of our homemade ice cream recipes: Salted Caramel & Pecan Whisper Creek Ice Cream or Whisper Creek Ice Cream.


Serves 4-6

Apple Filling

4 Cups Fresh Apples, Peeled, Cored, and Thinly Sliced

1/3 Cup Old-Fashioned Apple Butter

1/3 Cup Whisper Creek Tennessee Sipping Cream

1/3 Cup Granulated Sugar

½ Tbsp All-Purpose Flour  

Crisp Topping

½ Cup Rolled Oats

½ Cup All-Purpose Flour

½ Cup Brown Sugar

½ Cup Melted Butter

½ Tsp Baking Powder


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Toss apples with apple butter, Whisper Creek, granulated sugar, and ½ tablespoon flour until well combined. Set aside. Mix remaining ingredients together until combined to form a crumb topping.

Divide apple filling into 4-6 well-greased oven-safe dishes. Apple mixture should rise above the top, as it will settle when cooking. Top each with crumb topping, place on a baking sheet and bake in the center rack for approximately 25-30 minutes or until top has browned lightly and apples are bubbling..


Whisper Creek & Pecan Bread Pudding


Whisper Creek easy caramel apples